Tech Modded Zombies
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Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff!

TMz XenosPantha
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Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff! - Page 3 Empty Re: Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff!

Post  Convictohell 3rd May 2013, 10:17 am

I know this isn't really my job, but no one else is doing it...
Expand on why you think you're right for the job...
what skills can you apply to tech-craft and how have they been useful in the past.

also, your rules, "all of 'em"
not helpful.
you'll need to read the rule either in spawn or on the site ad write them down (i recommend typing them manually, i used to hate copy and pasters.
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Post  T_BOWN_55 12th May 2013, 9:21 pm

Name:Tom Bornemann
Minecraft User Name:T_BOWN_55
How long I have Been on the server roughly:Almost 2 years.
Which world would you mainly moderate: Main World and Creative
Server rank:Spawner
Skills:RPG Building,Building houses and Building statues
Any servers you have been been staff on: mooshi101's server.
Why do I want to be staff: I feel as though I should be doing more to help the server, as i have been on very long & feel I could make an improvement to the server.
Do you have skype: yes, t_bown_55
Are you active:Quite.
What country: Ireland.
TimeZone: GMT.
What rules do you know:1. don't spawn and sell 2.Don't grief cautious of the rank paroll swearing or spamming 4. no giving ores, diamond, lapis, redstone, flint, clay, iron or coal 5. no racism.
Anything else you'd like to tell us: I have been very obiedient on this server, i used to be a basic-mod but was demoted due to inactivity.
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Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff! - Page 3 Empty Staff application

Post  thecrafty_Jordan 13th May 2013, 8:50 pm

Name: Jordan Varley
Minecraft username: thecrafty_Jordan
Age: 16
How long have you been on the server roughly: about 8 months
What's your playtime on the server (When you login it tells you): 5 days 20:49:38
Which world would you mainly moderate: main and legit
what is your rank on the server: Trusted
Skills: i’m good at building and doing Redstone stuff, I’m good at making games like PVPArena and parkour.
Have you ever been banned on any minecraft server, if so why: no I haven’t
Why do you want to be staff: so then I can help people if they need help because a lot of people ask me for help or to tpa them to me and plus if I see grief then I can do something about it instead of waiting for staff also then I will always have enough items to help build things for anyone and i would just love to help out with the server and make everyone happy
Are you active (on Minecraft server): yes almost everyday depends on what I’m doing
Do you own the account: yes
How many people use your account: just me
What country: England
What languages do you know (Must know English): English
What rules do you know: No griefing, Don’t spam chat, no flying in legit, no spawning items in legit, no bullying, don’t ask for staff on the server, don’t be racist, don’t use X-rays mods, no advertising other servers, don’t hack, other staff shouldn’t use the banned items at other towns unless the owner of the town says they can.
I have Skype my name is Jordan.Varley4


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Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff! - Page 3 Empty Re: Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff!

Post  mooshi101 14th May 2013, 5:06 pm

I like both apps... One thing about your's jordan is you left out timezone but that doesn't really matter I presume GMT since your english.
TMz Obsessed
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Post  EXTREME_TEA 14th May 2013, 7:27 pm

Name:Tony Donlon
Minecraft Username:EXTREME_TEA
How long have you been on the server roughly: 1 year maybe
What's your playtime on the server:1 day 23 hours
Which world would you mainly moderate: main and legit
what is your rank do you own on the server:helper
Skills: building and a bit of redstone
Why do I want to be staff: to help out the server more than i am already and to experience the so called "thrill" that cian is always on about when he gets to ban a griefer Razz
Are you active on the minecraft server: yup
Do you own the account: yup
How many people use your account: 1
What country: Ireland
What languages do you know: English,Irish
what rules do i know:Don't grief,Don't sweat,Don't use caps, Don't use bedrock tnt lava or fire,Don't spam , Don't use x-ray, Don't be racist, Don't give ranks lolwer than spawner diamonds,redstone,coal,llapis,iron or emerald


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Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff! - Page 3 Empty Re: Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff!

Post  Convictohell 3rd June 2013, 7:50 am

As a "basic Mod" (first rank of staff, or is it watcher these days? Smile
you would be un able to ban.
i think it's either global or super mod +

but yeah.

i'm not staff, just making a few suggestions.
Pretty sure Sweating isn't against our rules.

damn your grammar! Very Happy
it's actually pretty good missing caps and the spaces after ,'s but that's not so bad.
i'll poke Cian until he comes on and reviews it.
Post Spammer
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Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff! - Page 3 Empty Re: Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff!

Post  mooshi101 3rd June 2013, 4:47 pm

It's mod for ban btw Razz

Anyway I'd say it's a good app.. Maybe a bit more info in Why do I want to be staff. Happpy con? Razz
TMz Obsessed
TMz Obsessed

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Name : Cian
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Post  Convictohell 8th June 2013, 9:09 pm

mooshi101 wrote:It's mod for ban btw Razz

Anyway I'd say it's a good app.. Maybe a bit more info in Why do I want to be staff. Happpy con? Razz

never, this server has no mean mods. GET ANGRY MOOSHI! GET ANGRY!
anyway, back to the topic, after seeing mooshis comments i would agree, a little bit more info, maybe run over a bit of your grammar, staff 'o talk lik dis iz nuh gud yh?
-conny bear
Post Spammer
Post Spammer

Posts : 459
Name : Con
Favourite Game(s) : Left4Dead and L4d2 on Steam, Runescape and MineCraft
Motto : Chaotic solutions - That's me in 2 words.
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Location : Here and there, souit Yorkshire but... no speciics ;3
Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff! - Page 3 Custombadgeretiredstaff

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Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff! - Page 3 Empty Re: Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff!

Post  seanb9 19th November 2013, 8:21 pm

Name: Seán
Minecraft username: seanb9
Age: 13
How long have you been on the server roughly: Since 2012 
Which world would you mainly moderate: Don't care, if I HAD to choose, Main World 
what is your rank on the server: Helper
Skills: Okay at building, know A LOT of random facts about minecraft, 
Have you ever been banned on any minecraft server, if so why: No
Any servers you have been staff on: yes about 3
Why do you want to be staff: I want to help further moderate my favorite server Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff! - Page 3 Icon_biggrin Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff! - Page 3 Icon_biggrin Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff! - Page 3 Icon_biggrin 
Are you active (on Minecraft server): Yes
Do you own the account: Yes
How many people use your account: nobody but me
What country: Ireland
What languages do you know (Must know English):English and Irish
TimeZone: GMT
What rules do you know: User Rules: NO GRIEFING, no spamming the chat, no x-ray packs or mods the only mod accepted is the fly mod, no swearing, don't build next to others without permission, don't ask to be part of the staff, don't be racist o biased, no fire, bedrock, lava, or TNT, do not tell the NewUser rank the spawn code
Staff Rules: Do not spawn the item that can be sold at the spawn shop(applies to helper as well)(flint, clay, coal, iron, redstone, diamond, lapis, gold) or any of the banned items, do not /tphere the new user rank, ask players before /tp, if a player builds within 30 blocks of your building, moderators + may destroy it, if a city is built within normal render distance of another moderators + may destroy it with the first town's permission, mods + may use and place the banned items
Anything else you'd like to tell us: I've read through(but not yet memorized) all TechCraft/TechModdedZombie related stuff (Site rules, staff rules, server rules, server rank CMD's and server staff)


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Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff! - Page 3 Empty Re: Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff!

Post  Axe Villager 21st November 2013, 1:25 pm

seanb9 wrote:Name: Seán
Minecraft username: seanb9
Age: 13
How long have you been on the server roughly: Since 2012 
Which world would you mainly moderate: Don't care, if I HAD to choose, Main World 
what is your rank on the server: Helper
Skills: Okay at building, know A LOT of random facts about minecraft, 
Have you ever been banned on any minecraft server, if so why: No
Any servers you have been staff on: yes about 3
Why do you want to be staff: I want to help further moderate my favorite server Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff! - Page 3 Icon_biggrin Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff! - Page 3 Icon_biggrin Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff! - Page 3 Icon_biggrin 
Are you active (on Minecraft server): Yes
Do you own the account: Yes
How many people use your account: nobody but me
What country: Ireland
What languages do you know (Must know English):English and Irish
TimeZone: GMT
What rules do you know: User Rules: NO GRIEFING, no spamming the chat, no x-ray packs or mods the only mod accepted is the fly mod, no swearing, don't build next to others without permission, don't ask to be part of the staff, don't be racist o biased, no fire, bedrock, lava, or TNT, do not tell the NewUser rank the spawn code
Staff Rules: Do not spawn the item that can be sold at the spawn shop(applies to helper as well)(flint, clay, coal, iron, redstone, diamond, lapis, gold) or any of the banned items, do not /tphere the new user rank, ask players before /tp, if a player builds within 30 blocks of your building, moderators + may destroy it, if a city is built within normal render distance of another moderators + may destroy it with the first town's permission, mods + may use and place the banned items
Anything else you'd like to tell us: I've read through(but not yet memorized) all TechCraft/TechModdedZombie related stuff (Site rules, staff rules, server rules, server rank CMD's and server staff)
Hello. I don't know if I'm the right one to accept or decline this application. On the other hand, I think you're supposed to type the specific time zone you are in. Example; GMT +01:00. Smile
Axe Villager
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Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff! - Page 3 Empty Re: Staff app, Staff Rules and How To Become Staff!

Post  PacoMatt12 27th November 2013, 6:22 pm

We have a slight problem here.
This application is almost a word-for-word copy of Mriheel's. I'm afraid this is unacceptable. If you want, redo your application and be honest about it. Until then, this app in null and void.
Here's Mriheel's. Take a look for yourself.
(About the 14th message on the page)

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